28 November 2013

Holiday Party Makeup and Outfit Inspiration | Sapphire and Sequins

Happy Thanksgiving! I've had my fill of custard pie, and I'm just about ready to enter a food coma. First, I must share this look with you, since the holiday season is here! Previously, I shared a post about a more Sultry Holiday Party look, and you can view that here if you missed it. 

Today, I came up with something with a bit more glitz and a whole lot of glam. Taking my favorite color for this season, Sapphire, and pairing it with Sparkling Sequins, I ended up with something I would wear to a rather fancy dinner party. What's great about this is that it doesn't scream HOLIDAY ATTIRE! This outfit will work for just about any fancy party. The black dress is a statement piece and the sequins add a punch of glam. The accessories aren't too overpowering, yet add a little something special to the outfit.
As for makeup, I used some really pretty shades from the Urban Decay Vice 2 palette. I absolutely love wearing blues on my eyelids, and even though some may think it's so 80's, I think with a good eyeliner, you can tone it down and make it look very wearable. 

Do you like this look? I hope you all have a happy holiday season!
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