21 November 2013

Holiday Party Makeup and Outfit Inspiration | Sultry

I've been getting into the dark, sultry, more vampy look lately, and I don't know what it is about dark red lipstick. I really love it. I created a makeup look featuring dark, smoldering shadows and a vampy red lip, perfect for those who aren't too keen on the bright, glittery looks of this holiday season (I have one of those coming up too, hehe!). 

To go with this look, I've created an outfit inspiration featuring a simple, yet statement wine red dress with gold and onyx accents and accessories. The nail polish shades I chose are a shimmery red wine and a gold sparkle for the accent nail. For hair, I'd recommend smooth, soft curls or a sophisticated bun.

What do you think of my pairings? Do you have a dress picked out for holiday celebrations? 
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