24 November 2013

Winter Grunge Fashion Statement

Winter is closing in, and in some places, snow is already falling. Can you please send some over to me, and I'll send some sunshine your way! 
Today's post is something different - my first sponsored post! I know some people have their issues with sponsored posts, but hear me out. I wouldn't do it, if I didn't like what I was being asked to do. I don't lie, I don't take bribes, and I don't do bullsh*t. If you still don't want to read/see my post, then I'll see in you in my next one, but I think you'll like what I have for you. :)

ARK is a fashion retailer based in the UK, however, they do ship worldwide. They have a huge mix of fashions for men and women, so I think there's something for just about everyone. I was asked to take a look at this clothing line in particular - Winter Grunge, and of course, I had to pick out a few things that I really liked and create a little outfit inspiration for you guys, since well, that's what I do. 

The following pieces would be so perfect for a nice night out. If your legs get cold, like mine, I'd recommend throwing on some thermal leggings for added warmth. The red dress is my favorite. It has a skater cut, long sleeves, and just looks so cozy and feminine at the same time. A gray cardigan is my staple piece - it will go with just about anything, and it's big, like a nice warm, safety blanket. A teal beanie, of course, because why the heck not? A nice scarf in contrasting black and white to keep my neck warm and looking cute. Now, the boots. Oh my, these boots! They're black with gold details, and it has cut-outs! Super cute, and it'll look great with some skinny jeans too. 

So there you have it. A nice little outfit inspired by Winter Grunge.
What do you think? Do you like edgy pieces or do you prefer more delicate feminine pieces? All are great, if you ask me! :)

*This is a sponsored post, as stated above.
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