26 November 2013

Custom Munnies | A Sweet, Thoughtful Gift

A while back, I posted a photo on Instagram of a custom set of Munnies I ordered for my wedding tier topper. If you're not familiar with the Kidrobot Munny, it looks like this:
Photo courtesy of Kidrobot
A friend of mine customizes these cute little figurines, and I figured why not give him a little shout out. Here is the set I ordered for my wedding: 
Are they cute or what? I gave him the details, and he made some magic happen. This is of course me and my husband on our wedding day. How do you like my winky face? Hehehe
If you're interested in taking a look at his other creations, you can do so at Zard Apuya Art. If you like what you see, please LIKE his page to show that you do. 

So what do you think? Cute, yeah? If you could have a custom Munny, what would you like? Also, leave a comment below if you would be interested in a customized Munny, courtesy of moi. :)
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