09 August 2013

Walmart Ships Out Used Products to Customers

My long awaited package from Walmart has arrived, and I already knew not to expect anything. I was still hopeful, but alas, big disappointment. After a month of waiting, I get a box of crap. 

I ordered 17 lipsticks, and only 2 were in new condition. The others were either used/swatched or damaged. I'm so irritated at Walmart and how they can do this to their customers. The package that arrived today was sent from Chantilly Shopping Center. Clearly, they just take products off of their shelves without checking them and ship them off. 

They provide free return shipping, BUT it is via USPS Parcel Post with a 30 day deadline. If the package does not reach them within 30 days of your refund request, you don't get a refund. I'm sure they do this on purpose, because Parcel Post takes around 30 days to get anywhere, that's why it's so cheap. I returned my used Rimmel Stay Matte Powder via their free shipping, and was notified that they will be canceling my refund request due to non receipt of the package. ARGH! I know better this time. I have shoved all the 14 damaged/used lipsticks into a Priority Mail box and it should arrive within 2 weeks. Eat that, Walmart. I had better receive my refund. 

Anyway, I'm not shopping there anymore. What a waste of time and energy, and a crap company. Sorry you guys. Here are some pictures of the goods or should I say the bads. There are two good lippies in there. I'll be doing reviews and swatches on those soon. Oh and I also purchased a high SPF  sunblock that I'll be doing a review of as well.

Enjoy the photos!

This one has the tip broken off and some finger swipe marks...

This one is good. Yay!

The first one is damaged and swatched, the two in the middle are swatched, the last one just has a chip on the back, but is ok. 

Look at that...fun.

These all look like someone tried to eat them, lol. It's too bad. They were pretty shades. 

I don't think I'm meant to have any of the Vivids...

This one is my favorite. Bleh.

I'm very happy this was saved. Yes!

So there you have it. What do you all think? Don't shop at Walmart online. You'll get used/damaged crap. 

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