09 August 2013

DIY Ring Storage

You all know I love my DIYs, and tonight, I have another one for you. Raise you hand (or nod your head) if you just dump your rings in a pile on your dresser, or something of the sort. I just throw mine in a little tin in hopes that I'll find the one I want when I need it. Well, I may have a little solution for you, but you're going to have to get creative and sacrifice about 30 minutes of your time. It's easy, I promise. ;)

DIY Ring Storage
First, you'll need a box/container of some sort. After eating all the chocolates, I didn't want the box to go to waste. So, we're going to reuse it.

Next, you'll need some tape, sheets of paper wide enough to fit the box (we're going to roll them up), a tube to help roll the paper without crumpling, scissors, and a ruler (not pictured). You can use any kind of paper you want, but I recommend some kind of decorative paper with pretty colors. I had magazines lying around, so I used that instead. It doesn't look too bad, lol. :)

Take a sheet of paper and roll it up. Hold it firmly so it doesn't unroll.

Then you want to loosen your grip a bit to let the tube slide out.

Carefully let it unroll until it's as wide as you want it to be. I needed it to be around 1.75 inches.

Tape the ends, and place a roll of tape (so that it'll stick to the box) in the middle. You can use more if you want, but I just used one. 

You want to stick the rolls close together so that there is "tension" between them. This tension is what will hold your ring in place.

Now, repeat until you fill up the box, and you're done!

Add in some lovely rings...

How do you like my handy dandy DIY? Is it something you'd like to try? Leave me comments, because I love them and you! :)

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