KOKO Lashes in Soho. First, let me apologize for my dodgy lash application. I haven't applied lashes in ages, so I'm a super noob, but I wanted to show you my new lashes! Ok here we go. I first saw these Koko Lashes when Katy from Lustrelux featured them in a couple of her videos. She's my new favorite beauty tuber, by the way. Anyway, I really liked how they looked, so I took to the Lady Moss website to order them for $5.99 a pair. The only problem was that they were out of stock... for a while. So of course, I stalked the website and checked every day until that "out of stock" sign went bye-bye. When it did, I attacked that screen and bought 2 sets of the Soho and 2 sets of the 201 lashes (review later), and they went out of stock soon after. Whoops. Today, I share the Soho with you. Are you ready? Go big or go home, right?
KOKO Lashes in Soho
KOKO lashes are packaged in pairs, with a cute pink and white chevron pattern on the box. The lash names are on the inside plastic bit that holds the lashes, so you can't see the names from the outside, which can get confusing if you have a bunch of these boxes. I don't right now, so it's not a big deal.
Soho lashes are massive and very fluttery, they almost feel like real lashes, because they aren't packed tightly together. The lash band is clear, and depending on your eye shape, it's easy to trim the ends if necessary. I snipped off the last cluster to fit my eyes a bit better. Now... the demo!

Even though I'm not a fan of false lashes, I really really like these Soho lashes! I think it's because they're so overly dramatic and excessive, and they justify the effort it takes to actually apply them! I need a bit more practice, but I think you get the idea, lol! I am very happy with these, and it will be interesting to see the reaction I get from people out in the real world, ha!
Thoughts? Come on, I know you wanna say something! ;)
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A beautiful couple full of life and happiness, working together to create a sustainable and prosperous life all while helping others each step of the way. After battling thyroid cancer, Courtney turned to NeriumAD which helped lighten and reverse the scarring from surgery, and the results were amazing enough to prompt Alan and Courtney to join the Nerium team. Want to know more about this power couple? Check out their blog here, and their NeriumAD site here.
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