06 September 2013

August 2013 Favorites

I'm back! Well, for now, haha. Just a quick update before I share my favorites with all of you lovely readers whom I love so much.

I was invited to join RewardStyle last week and have just set it up, and if you haven't heard of it, you can find more about it here.

To sum it up, whenever I share products (products that I HAVE CHOSEN MYSELF) with you, and you click the links in the post and purchase something, I am able to get a small commission off of your purchase. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO CLICK MY LINKS. You can simply do a Google search for the products if you'd rather I not get commission. I won't be offended or hurt, I promise ;).

It really doesn't matter to me, but I thought it would be nice to make a little bit of money from something I work so hard on almost every day. It's a nice thought, right? If you're interested in getting an invitation, I can refer you, but it's up to rStyle to approve you. Just send me an e-mail :).

I just thought I'd be up front with you all before I started posting as a rStyle member. Now let's get on to the favorites!

August 2013 Favorites

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