08 September 2014


Currently, it is Monday morning, the time I usually write these Sunday posts, since for most of the rest of the world, it is still Sunday. Today, I thought I'd just ramble on a bit about life, because why not, right? We're all friends, and we like to know how each other is doing, so be sure to share with me what's going on with you as well :).

In less than a year, my family will be relocating to Washington state. I used to live there when I was 14 and then again when I turned 18, so I'm familiar with the place, and a lot of my relatives are there including my older sister. We will be staying with my very close cousin who has always been like a sister to me, so I'm excited about it. It's scary to be bringing a whole family up there, but I'm looking forward to the changes in weather, people, culture, and so much more. 

I've been extra stressed lately, as you can see in my lack of videos and blog posts. Work has been stressing me out along with school, and I'm just trying to keep it together. My work project is ending soon, so I'll be looking for a new job within the next month. Hopefully it won't take too long so that I can keep saving up for our big move.

What's been going on with you lately? 

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Have you seen my latest video?

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