30 August 2013

Back to School Outfit, Accessories, and Grad School

It's back to school, for everyone, including myself. So here's a little outfit that I would love to wear on my first day back.

If you follow me on Twitter, you may have noticed a tweet or two about getting into grad school. Well, my lovely friends, I am in, and I am pretty excited. This is coming from someone who hated high school, crawled and hid myself during my undergrad.

I was feeling pretty useless with my Bachelor's because really? Finance and Economics? So not me. Yeah, I help people with financial aid. A lot. I'm obsessed with numbers and spreadsheets, but as a career, I don't want to bother with people's money. I can barely handle my own. 

So, I'm pursuing my Master's in Healthcare Administration and Management, specializing in Project Management and Human Resource Management. Woah there, girl. Ambitious. Meh... I need a little ambition in my life, and reading up on everyones adventures and successes made me want to chase my own dreams of delving into the healthcare industry without doing all the bloody work. Get it, bloody? Heeehee. Ok, I'll stop. I honestly don't care if I just work the front desk at the hospital greeting people, and I'd probably be the one crying for all the people in pain. I have a very soft heart, and I'm very empathetic. Too much, maybe. But so what? People need to be cared for, and they need to know that people care. I want to be one of those people.

Anyway, if you got this far in my post, tell me your ambitions, your dreams, and whether you're chasing them down.

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