Hey, everyone! More giveaways! Summer is the giveaway season, isn't it? Well, I have a special one for you today, and no worries - it's INTERNATIONAL! Nykki from Nykki Talks Beauty is having her 2 year blog birthday, and I'm here to help her give back to all her lovely readers. As one of her July sponsors, I am very proud to share this with you. I've been following her since I started my first blog a couple of years ago, and now I'm back following her with A Beauty Moment. She is an amazing blogger, and is very involved in the blogging community. Here's a little snippet of what she had to say:
"I would not still be blogging today if I didn't have you guys. I really hope you know how appreciated you are, and how much I cherish every single comment and tweet that I get from you. It's amazing, you make my day everyday.
Wanna venture back to that very first day? Read my first Beauty post EVER by clicking {here}... but don't forget to enter the giveaway too! You deserve to win extra 125 bucks, I'm sure you have few things you could spend it on!
I want to say a HUGE THANK YOU to the girls who helped me put this giveaway out. Some of these girls have been here with me since the beginning and it means the world that they would join with me to celebrate this fantastic day in my
blogging world. Blogging has become a huge part of my life && I'm not planning on going anywhere! :)
&& Hey, if you were around when my blog was called mymaneblog let me know in the comments! I'd love know!" - Nykki
Presenting the lovely Host and her beautiful Co-hosts!

{Cherry Fashion Blog} // {Hello Frances} // {Life as Mrs. Aguila} // {Fashions on Top} // {Sammy's Fabulous Jewelry}

{Some Sparkle and Shine} // {A Beauty Moment} // {LulaBelle} // {The Shopping Queen} // {Life with a side of Coffee}
I wish everyone good luck, and I hope to see you around!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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